Smith Center, KS Wastewater Lagoon Facility Improvements

Wastewater Lagoon Facility Improvements Expansion Project


Accepting Bids

Bid Date 3/20/25 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

Wilson & Company
Doug Goetz  


Smith Center, KS

Wastewater Lagoon Facility Improvements:  Work includes furnishing all the labor, materials, and equipment for the wastewater lagoon facility improvements. The improvements include approximately 96,776 cubic yards of common excavation, approximately 92,244 cubic yards of earthwork compaction, 7,355 square yards of crushed concrete slope protection, manhole rehabilitation, 103 linear feet of 12-inch DIP lagoon piping, 493 square yards of gravel surfacing, 2,175 linear feet of woven wire fencing; removal of existing fencing; trenching; backfilling; over excavation; compaction; concrete work; site grading; gravel surfacing and all other incidental and appurtenant work required to complete the improvements as shown and specified.

Alternate No. 1:  Work includes furnishing all the labor, materials, and equipment for installing 7,355 square yards rock rip-rap slope erosion protection on the sides of the proposed storage cells, therefore deleting crushed concrete slope erosion protection.