Public Projects
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Bids Due in 32 days
2/18/25 11:00am
Electronic bidding
Chisholm Creek Utility Authority Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements
Bids Due in 32 days
Chisholm Creek Utility Authority
Park City, KS
Work includes furnishing all the labor, materials, and equipment for construction of the wastewater treatment plant that includes: existing treatment equipment removal and demolition; excavation; backfilling; grading; three new SBR basins, converting the SBR basins 1 and 2 into primary digesters, converting the primary digester into a second equalization basin; 35’x50’ pre-engineered metal building addition; odor control chemical containment; belt filter press and conveyor system; sludge storage roof extension; equalization basin catwalk; lime thickener basin safety ladders; site and building concrete work; architectural work; metal frame gypsum board construction; process piping; mechanical and electrical equipment; valves, hydrants, & appurtenances; bathroom equipment; piping; gravel surfacing; grass seeding; erosion control; and electrical improvements; and all other incidental and appurtenant work required to complete the improvements as shown and specified.
Bids Due in 27 days
2/13/25 1:30pm
City of Quinter, KS - Water Supply System Improvements PWS Well #13
Bids Due in 27 days
City of Quinter, KS
Quinter KS
Constrcution of a water supply well, water supply line and chlorination building
Bids Due in 6 days
1/23/25 11:00am
Republic, KS - Water System Improvements Phase 1
Bids Due in 6 days
City of Republic
Republic, KS
Work includes furnishing all the labor, materials, and equipment for constructing approximately 3,050 linear feet of 6-inch waterline; 260 linear feet of 4-inch waterline; 547 linear feet of 2-inch waterline; associated directional drill installation where necessary; valves; hydrants; water service connections; water service meters; water service meter pits; connections to system; existing pipeline abandonment; grass seeding; gravel surfacing; erosion control and all other incidental and appurtenant work required to complete the improvements as shown and specified. Alternates include additional water distribution system improvements as shown and specified.
Bidding Closed
1/3/25 10:00am
Grants I-40 Waterline Crossing
Bidding Closed
Wilson & Company
Grants, NM
The scope of this project includes approximately 1,740 LF of 12” PVC waterline pipe installed using open trench methods and 425 LF of waterline using Jack and Bore installation methods to cross under I-40 section.